Our Work

Our Work



Not Sorry Productions is a feminist organization that produces podcasts, educational content, live shows, and immersive experiences with the explicit goal of addressing the spiritual needs of its participants. Through community, rigor, and ritual, we treat traditionally secular things as if they were sacred. In this commitment, we practice empathy, hope, and courage and move closer to treating one another as sacred.

We strive to create an intersectional, feminist space, giving a megaphone to voices and stories that will help end systemic patriarchal values. 

Programs and Services:

Not Sorry Productions will focus on four types of programs for people to engage with this idea. 

(1) Podcasts: Through creating podcasts, we seek to reach a broad audience and share valuable stories. Podcasts offer us a platform to connect with listeners, independent of geography and schedules. Our podcasts provide free content, are accessible through multiple listening channels, and make time for reflection, thoughtfulness, and humor. 

(2) Live Shows: While we love bringing people together through our listenership, live shows allow us to unite our community in a physical space. The podcasts of Not Sorry Productions do live shows in order to engage with our community in a more tangible way. These shows foster friendships and help us build closer ties with our listeners. 

(3) Immersive Experiences: Whether by walking through rural South England or journaling at the shore of Walden Pond, our Common Ground pilgrimages give people the space to reflect on their lives and values. On these trips, we allow our guests to connect with themselves and others through a text, a practice, or a theme. These multi-day events seek to allow people to recharge in beautiful locations, while forging bonds with likeminded individuals. The retreats and pilgrimages engage with our mission in a concentrated way through practicing our values with intention in community. 

(4) Education: Through visiting schools, workplaces, and other nonprofits, we share our knowledge and practices with educators and professionals across the world. Our workshops and lectures create a dynamic, educational environment where participants can explore topics varying from community engagement, sacred reading practices, and meeting the spiritual needs of modern people using new tools (like podcasts).